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If you are feeling discomfort with your current breast implants or want to replace or reposition them for any reason, breast revision surgery is the ideal procedure for you. This surgery is designed to remove, replace, adjust, or correct the position of an existing breast implant.

At KM Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kai Morimoto is highly experienced with breast surgeries of all kinds, including breast revisions. To discover how a breast revision surgery in Spokane could help you feel more comfortable in your skin, contact our office today.

Why Do I Need Breast Revision Surgery?

There are a number of reasons why our patients may desire or require breast revision surgery, including displacement, rupture, or rippling of the implant. Sometimes, breast implant removal is necessary due to medical conditions such as capsular contraction or breast implant illness (BII). In most instances, capsulectomy (removal of the capsule surrounding the implant) is performed with a revision surgery.

Often, the choice to undergo a breast revision surgical procedure is simply cosmetic in nature. Perhaps you wish to change the size of your breast implants, or switch from silicone to saline, or vice versa, to change the firmness and feel of the implants.

Regardless of whether your reasons are cosmetic or medical in nature, you can rely on the expertise of Dr. Morimoto and her Spokane team for your breast revision surgery.

Preparing For Your Breast Revision Surgery

To prepare for a successful breast revision surgery, you may need to implement some temporary or permanent lifestyle changes. Following these guidelines will help you heal quicker and more optimally, as well as reduce the risk of developing any complications from your breast revision surgery. Under Dr. Morimoto’s guidance, you may be required to:

  • Stop smoking and drinking
  • Engage in an active lifestyle
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet
  • Get plenty of rest prior to your surgery

During your initial consultation with our team, we will take your medical history. This initial consultation at our welcoming Spokane office is the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your breast revision surgical procedure and recovery.

What Can I Expect During My Breast Revision Surgery?

The surgery will be administered under anesthesia, and according to the surgical strategy prepared for you by Dr. Morimoto and team. As per the surgical strategy outlined prior to your procedure, you may be scheduled for an enbloc capsulectomy or a total capsulectomy. In both procedures, the implant, as well as the scar tissue that has formed around it (the capsule), is removed. The two procedures differ in the order in which the capsule is removed. Dr. Morimoto and her team will design your surgical strategy based on which procedure is best and safest for your needs.

  • An enbloc capsulectomy is a surgical procedure that involves simultaneously removing the implant, as well as any scar tissue (capsule) that has formed around it.
  • A total capsulectomy involves removing only the implant first. Once the implant has been removed, the scar tissue formed around the implant (capsule) is then removed.

Following the removal of the breast implant, the new breast implant will be inserted and adjusted as needed. You may choose to keep the same type of implant, change the type of implant from silicone to saline or vice versa, or change the size of the implant. Following this, any incisions will be stitched up. We will do our best to use the same incisions made in your previous surgery.

The procedure should only take a few hours, but we always recommend that you schedule an entire day off from work. You will not be able to drive yourself following the surgery, so have a trusted person drive you home following your procedure.

Downtime, Rest, and Recovery

Following your procedure, you will be advised by Dr. Morimoto to enjoy complete rest. Each patient’s needs will vary, but typically this rest period is about two to three weeks. During this time, it is important to:

  • Refrain from strenuous exercise
  • Abstain from going to the gym
  • Limited arm and chest muscle movement

Following this period, you will be cleared to resume your normal day-to-day activities. During your initial consultation for Spokane breast revision surgery, we will give you a personalized list of instructions to guide you through your recovery.

Restore Your Comfort With Breast Revision Surgery in Spokane

If you wish to remove, replace, or correct the position of an existing breast implant —either for medical or cosmetic reasons—a breast revision procedure may be right for you.

Under the guidance of top plastic surgeon Dr. Kai Morimoto, your comfort and safety are at the forefront. For more information and to discover how a breast revision surgery in Spokane can be right for you, contact our office today.