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Women’s breasts are naturally asymmetrical. This occurs when the breasts are forming during adolescence. However, the asymmetry is typically minor and hardly noticeable, even to the woman herself.

Over time, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuation, and aging can make those discrepancies more pronounced. Fortunately, there are several cosmetic solutions available, including asymmetrical breast augmentation in Spokane. Learn more about this personalized breast augmentation procedure by scheduling an initial consultation.

Options to Treat Breast Asymmetry

Options for treatment include breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction surgeries. During your consultation with experienced Spokane plastic surgeon Dr. Kai Morimoto, you will discuss your personalized asymmetrical breast augmentation options based on your current breast size and desired results.

Breast augmentation can be used to increase the size of the smaller breast so that it matches the size of the other breast using an implant. You might also choose to get implants on both sides to achieve balance, symmetry, and increased volume. When breast implants are necessary to achieve symmetry, our practice often chooses Sientra breast implants. These FDA-approved silicone options come in a variety of sizes and surfaces to achieve natural-looking results. In addition, Sientra breast implants offer a warranty that many consider to be the best in the industry, including a free lifetime replacement if the implant ruptures. The company only offers these implants through board-certified or board-eligible plastic surgeons, which helps ensure the best patient safety and results.

Some women may opt for breast reduction when one breast is noticeably larger in appearance, and the woman prefers the smaller size to complement their natural figure. Removing excess tissue and reshaping the larger breast can achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

While getting a breast reduction, a woman may also require a breast lift on one or both sides to reshape the breast, remove excess tissue, and ensure the nipples are symmetrical.

How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation to Correct Breast Asymmetry

Preparation for an asymmetrical breast augmentation begins by consulting a skilled Spokane plastic surgeon. Once the surgeon has determined your aesthetic goals and conducted a physical examination, they will discuss how to most effectively make the asymmetry correction to meet your desired results.

The plastic surgeon will also ask about your medical and family history and any past surgeries to ensure all bases are covered. Thoughtful planning and consideration go into pursuing the enhancements that will best meet your needs, so be as transparent as possible with your surgeon.

What to Expect During Recovery

As your surgery date approaches, it is important to prepare for your recovery period. You will likely be unable to do any kind of lifting for at least 4 to 6 weeks, which means you may need help with childcare if you have young children. In the first day or two, it is helpful to have someone stay with you overnight. For the first couple of weeks, you may need help with common household chores.

After undergoing asymmetrical breast augmentation surgery in Spokane, you will be required to stay for a couple of hours in the surgical center until the anesthesia has completely worn off. Before discharge, your experienced plastic surgeon will give you explicit post-operative instructions, which you should follow carefully to reduce the risk of complications. It is not uncommon to experience a loss of sensitivity in the breasts and notice some swelling and bruising that fade over time.

You will continue to wear a post-surgical front-closure bra that promotes healing over the area. By week six, most patients can resume regular activity, including exercise. The breast implants will have settled into place, and your breasts will look and feel more natural.

Call Our Spokane Office to Schedule Your Asymmetrical Breast Augmentation

Meet with our skilled and compassionate plastic surgeon, Dr. Kai Morimoto, and discover how easily breast asymmetry can be corrected. Call our office today to schedule your consultation for an asymmetrical breast augmentation in Spokane.