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Myths About Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

You do not feel good when your hormones are out of balance. Because your hormones keep your mind and body healthy and are necessary for your daily function, it is important that you reach out to your healthcare provider when you suspect they might be off.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help you get back on track by boosting or even replacing deficient hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, but you might have heard some information regarding HRT that has you concerned. There is a lot of misinformation about HRT, but for many people, it helps reduce their chance of developing certain diseases, and the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Myths and Misconceptions

There are so many myths and misconceptions surrounding HRT. Because hormones play such a vital role in maintaining your health, you want to make sure you understand the pros and cons of HRT so you can make an informed decision.

The first myth is that HRT is only for menopausal. The truth is that men and women both benefit from HRT, including women experiencing menopause.

You may have heard the myth that HRT causes cancer. While it has been linked to certain cancers, particularly breast cancer, HRT can help prevent certain cancers. When your body is in balance, you are better able to fight off disease and dysfunction. For example, progesterone offers many benefits to women and is, in fact, necessary to prevent uterine cancer if a woman is taking estrogen. The main problem comes when the hormones are synthetic and not bioavailable to your body, which is why making sure you get the right hormones for your needs is essential in cancer prevention.

Another false assumption is that HRT is only for older adults. Deficiencies and disorders can happen at any age and should be corrected as soon as possible.

HRT is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Understanding your deficiencies and getting your dosage exactly right will vary based on your needs, health conditions, and responses to treatment.

One misconception is that HRT makes you gain weight. Weight gain can happen but is usually more associated with imbalances in your hormones. In many cases, when your hormones are balanced, you can maintain a healthy weight and, in some instances, may even lose some pounds.

Some people think that HRT is a long-term and permanent treatment. Even though this is sometimes true, your need for long-term HRT depends more on the underlying medical condition that is being treated.

People like to say this treatment is solely for alleviating symptoms, but while HRT is often prescribed to relieve menopause symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings, it can also be used in the prevention of osteoporosis.


There are many benefits to HRT. When you are going through menopause, estrogen can help you manage your hot flashes, night sweats, relieve vaginal dryness, increase your libido, and stabilize your moods. It can also protect your bones and heart, reducing your risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

When you have a medical condition such as hypogonadism, testosterone can help to increase your energy, calm your mind, enhance your libido, and resolve erectile function.

Ask About Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Today

When you have problems with your hormones, not only do you not feel good, but you can also become very sick. HRT could help you feel like your normal self and benefit your overall health.

If you have any questions about the myths about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or would like to schedule an appointment to learn more about how HRT can help you, contact our office today.