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How long does it take to recover from a breast augmentation?

breast augmentation

How long does it take to recover from a breast augmentation? Well, the general rule of thumb is six to eight weeks, which means you can most likely expect to be able to return to your everyday activities after eight weeks. But what is the recovery period actually like, and what can you do to speed it up?

What To Expect During Recovery

Breast augmentation is an outpatient surgery, so you will be sent home the same day as your procedure. You should arrange to have a friend or family member drive you home following the surgery, as you will still be under the influence of conscious sedation and may experience pain.

The first week is typically the most painful for patients. Generally speaking, the larger the implant, the more pain you can expect. In addition to the pain, you may feel a stretching or pulling sensation in your breast area. All of this is usually well-tolerated, with symptoms gradually subsiding. In fact, many women recover enough by week two to return to less physically demanding jobs like desk jobs.

During these first weeks, it is important to keep the incision site clean and dry, which will help reduce the visibility of scars. If your surgeon used removable stitches to close your incisions, they will remove these within seven to 14 days after your procedure.

By the second to third week, although you may still be a little sore, you can return to your usual activities. However, you should still avoid heavy lifting or strenuous aerobic activity.

How You Can Support Your Recovery

There are many ways a patient can support their recovery after a breast augmentation.


Allowing yourself ample rest, especially during the first two weeks following your procedure, is critical to supporting your body and its healing process. Simply rest whenever you feel tired.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to helping your body recover and reducing swelling around the chest area. Drinking lots of water also helps prevent you from becoming too constipated, which is often a side effect of certain pain medications.

Wear Compression Garments

Compression garments, or chest bands, are often given to women after their surgery to minimize swelling. These garments also help stabilize the implant so that it stays in the right position.

Sleep On Your Back

It is important to sleep on your back as opposed to your side or your belly so that there is no uneven pressure on the breasts, which could displace an implant.

Engage in Light Physical Activity

Toward the end of your first week, some regular physical activity can do wonders in terms of helping you feel healed and ready to go back to your usual routine. During that first week, take short walks and gradually increase the distance. Walking and other forms of light physical activity can help your body heal by getting blood and oxygen to reach the tissues and muscles affected by the procedure. Physical activity also helps with constipation, which is often associated with certain pain medications.

Do Not Smoke

Smoking is especially dangerous when you are recovering from major surgery. Smoking impacts the tissues’ ability to heal and can lead to future complications. It is recommended to avoid smoking altogether during the recovery period.

These tips can support a quick and smooth recovery.

Speak With Our Team About the Timeline for Recovery After a Breast Augmentation

If you are wondering how long it will take for you to recover from a breast augmentation, the answer depends on various factors, such as your overall health, the size and placement of your implants, and whether or not you comply with post-operative care instructions. To learn more about the recovery process, get in touch with KM Plastic Surgery today.